SNaPPY GRiP™ vs. “Theirs”

With over 250 million produced every year, the five-gallon bucket is considered the most widely used single item in the world. It has been a standard household item since its introduction, and without a doubt, it has more uses than any other product on the market. They are used in just about every trade and are often dedicated to a specific task for several years. So, why not have a handle that will make that widely used product more user-friendly?

The handles that come on most buckets are designed either too small or too large. Further, those handles are designed to slip on and off of the old handle (Yes, the old handle has to be on the wire bail). This typically results in the handles being lost or stolen. They last a few weeks when exposed to sunlight, but the bucket will last several years with the same exposure. The handles crack and even break off, leaving only a wire to use in your hand to carry the bucket. Have you ever tried to lift a full bucket with the wire? Ouch! SNaPPY GRiP™ is durable and will make your buckets last much longer.

SNaPPY GRiP™ will fit most hands comfortably, so you won’t have numb fingers or the ache of arthritis. Whether you’re a handyman, painter, plumber, fisherman, gardener, camper, or homeowner, this product is a must!

Additional Uses for SNaPPY GRiP™

Buckets have become an item that a good percentage of people could not live without. They have hundreds of uses for home and business, and more are being dreamed up daily.

But SNaPPY GRiP™ is not just for buckets! They are great for attic access doors and can be used on flat nylon straps such as a backpack or duffel bag handle straps. SNaPPY GRiP™ also works great for parachute bags (multi-pocket hardware pouches), whether they have a flat strap or a cord handle.

A lot of people use tarps with a rope for handles to move lawn debris. Why not put a couple of Snappy Grip™ handles on it and make your chores a little easier on your hands? They also make great handles for jump ropes.

SNaPPY GRiP™ handles make great toggles for wrapping and carrying hoses, extension cords, irrigation tubing, etc. Just use a piece of (1/4 inch or smaller) nylon rope (any length you prefer) melt the ends together, attach a SNaPPY GRiP™ handle, and you're ready to go. By adding a piece of 3/16 inch elastic cord you can make a great carrier for sleeping bags, tarps, or anything you prefer.